Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Best of Both Worlds!

I know you already knew that we have the best Mam Maw, and that she spoils my little children.
She got us tickets to Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus Tour (no she did not pay a fortune- Mam Maw has the hook up!).
So Steph and I took Lys, Jenny, Aud and Aud's best friend Haley.

On our way- Aud and Haley had NO IDEA where we were going- it was so fun teasing them.

I wish I would have taken a pic of their faces when they found out.

Just FYI to all of you that have not dared the concert adventure- they screw you!
Aud and Haley had to have a Miley Cyrus t shirt. No Hannah, had to be Miley. Well the only one that had their size was the pink one with Miley being a little provocative. Well I learned another parenting lesson- put your foot down! They will never be allowed to leave the house in the shirt! Plus I paid $35 for a see through shirt that they probably paid 2 cents for in China- Oh well every penny was worth it for their sweet little faces.

The girls with Hannah!

Haley's mom (Trav's Dendee) is extremely creative. She made Haley a Hannah Montana outfit. Everyone stopped me to ask where Haley got her jacket - HER MOM!

Mrs. Wendee also made Aud's shirt for her.

Thank you to our extremely smart Aunt Stephanie- she got us first place in line! We were one of the first people through the door- and we had special parking!

We called Mam Maw to thank her. And then we called Daddy and Bubby. The Jonas Brothers were also part of the concert- they are Bubby's favorite. Well, I have the sweetest son on earth- when Sissy told him where she was- he told her "Oh sissy I am so excited for you- tell them I said hi!" How wonderful is his little heart! He was so excited for his sissy. He handles everything so well, he knew that he could not go because of peanuts. But don't worry Bubby, your mommy, daddy and Mam Maw are working on that problem.

My cute Haley.

The big girls!

Ok, remember this is their first concert. This was so funny. They kept asking when it would quiet down, poor things.

The Awesome, ultra cute Jonas Brothers.

Best Friends. Obviously they got over the noise.

Here comes Hannah!!!!

Dancing to Hannah.

I didn't have to show her how to party at a concert. She fit right in with the other little girls.

Oh wait this is the Jonas Brothers. They are so cute! And dance all over the place. On the piano, jump off of stuff with their guitars. I think Steph and I had more fun than the girls on this part.
Meet Miley!

Ok, the big smile on Lys's face- because Miley finally sang GNO. Every song Alyssa would say- ok this is GNO- and it wouldn't be. She jumped up when it finally came on. IT was great!

Our ride home- We were singing GNO!

The only pic Steph let me take of her all night!

Audrey and I afterwards. Audrey has eye ball stickers on her eye lids.

Me and Aud pretending to be Miley Cyrus.
I told Derik that was the loudest concert I had every been to. He was shocked and told me he needed to take me to a "real concert." I informed him it was not the music, it was the 19,000 screaming little girls! Oh my gosh- you have NO IDEA- huh Steph!?
Thank you Mam Maw! You knew exactly what my little girl would love.
Travis had a lot of fun that day. First Mam Maw took him shopping. He got a huge CareBear blanket (the boy CareBear), the movies Jungle Book and Ratatouille.
Then Mam Maw and Pap Paw took him to the Boardwalk. He rode every ride he could- 4 or 5 times. Then they took him to eat Mexican Food- he stayed out later than Sissy. He also got to spend the night with Mam Maw and Pap Paw.

My dad was so excited- he had more fun watching Travis play.
But no pics- Guess we will have to get Mam Maw and Pap Paw a digital camera!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Happy 26th!

My Aunt Diana and Uncle Larry are on a trip to Cali, celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary.
They wanted to ride horses on the beach.....

"We did it!!!!!!!!!"
Happy 26th Anniversary!
(I can remember because that is how old I am.... so after 30 you will remain married for 30 years forever, same goes for you Aunt Sarah- just FYI)
Love yall and can't wait to see all your other pics when you get back.

Dress up the Scarecrow?

Sissy was playing dress up and I decided that she looked so pretty I had to take her picture. Travis got so excited and wanted to join in- grabbing the closest thing to him- sissy fairy wings. This does not mean he will grow up and be a fairy- Daddy!
Anyways, showing his boyness, he grabbed his friend the scarecrow to join. Somehow the scarecrow has ended up inside (instead of at his original home- the front porch), and has taken up in our living room. Travis insist- pick your battles- right??

Not sure what this look is from Trav?

They decided that Mr. Scarecrow needed something to dress up in!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Robyn O'Brien- She's not scared of you!

Well, my mentor and close friend has finally had that break through all of us AllergyKids have been waiting for!

CBS Early Show broke the story, and now there will only be more.

Take a peak at what is going on. One day my baby will be ok, thanks to moms like her!

Watch her now:

To check in on Roman got to:

Hansel and Gretel

My little Hansel and Gretel!
Derik got Audrey the dress in Germany. It is hand made and from the region where his family is from.
The laderhosen were too expensive in Bavaria, so he did not get them for Travis.
Then one day in an antique shop I found the laderhosen! For $20!!!!!
Giving you the cutest Hansel and Gretel ever.
Thank God we never ran into an old witch and her Gingerbread house- I am sure it would have had chocolate covered peanuts for door knobs.
We had a great night. We went to the Pearland Halloween Festival, which is great because all of the fun Pearland activities are with in walking distance of our house.
Then we went to church, but the kids fell asleep and would not wake up.
So we drove to Mam Maw's and Pap Paw's where we finally were able to wake them up. They trick or treated up down the block. Hansel had so much fun- it was the first year he understood what was going on. As soon has the people would put the candy in his bag- he would say- "Ok nother one!" and take off. The poor little guys asthma was so bad he could not walk from house to house. Daddy would carry him.
But he still had a blast!
Sissy was so proud showing him what to do all night. She would tell people-
"Trick or Treat, but no peanuts please"
It was so adorable.
She is the best Sissy ever!

At the Pearland Festival they had the Princesses. Gretel had to take a pic with her favorite- Belle- but Mommy invited the other 2.
It was so much fun!